Sunday, June 5, 2016

All Those People

Matthew begins his Gospel by talking about Jesus' family tree--three groups of 14 forebears of Jesus. This makes us mindful that the Jesus-story does not begin with us. That God has been working with people for a long-time. That we are part of a long-story. This reminds me of the long-story that made my life and my faith possible. "Maude had Luther, and Luther and Merrimon had Randy, and Luther and Maude and Edgar started Randy on the path to Jesus, and Randy...." well, it gets complicated pretty quickly. Maybe it's best to just list the names. 

And after the family tree we get to the focal point of the story, Jesus (Yeshua). His very name means God saves. And then Matthew lists his nickname, Immanuel--God is with us. In those two names we hear the two most important parts of the Gospel Good News. 

First Part--God Saves: God is at work in the world bringing salvation. The words of the spiritual "Jesus, I'll Never Forget" start playing in my head. I can hear the Soul Stirrers sing it.
             Jesus, I'll never forget what you've done for me.
             Jesus, I'll never forget how you set my soul free...
             You took my feet out the miry clay

             I'll never forget..
Yes, that's the Jesus I love! And my soul is stirred at 3:06 a.m. as I write this now.

Second Part--God is With Us: We are not in this alone. Jesus is with us...Right Now! Jesus is with me...Right Now! I am not alone. Jesus came to be with me. As I live, I am living with Jesus. As I die, I die with Jesus. Hear Him, "I will not leave you comfortless...I go to prepare a place for you...Where I am, there you will be." 

Yes, that's the Jesus I love! And the words come alive in me, even right now.

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